
"Dump" dan "Dumb"


"Dumb" dan "dump", walakin perbezaan dari segi makna dan ejaannya, pada perpekstif kami ada kesinambungan diantara dua ayat ini. Konotasi "dump" didalam bahasa melayu ialah membuang, manakala "dumb" ialah bodoh. Isu yang akan diketengahkan bukanlah tentang sampah yang dibuang yang sepatutnya menjadi amalan kita. Mungkin membuang sampah ke tempat yang seharusnya ialah sesuatu yang bijak. Akan tetapi, isu ini adalah tentang manusia-manusia yang lebih tepat digelar tidak berotak atau pun bodoh dan tidak berhati-perut atas perlakuan membuang bayi yang mereka buat bagaikan sampah dan sisa makanan.

Membuang bayi kini bagaikan sesuatu fenomena yang biasa didalam era globalisasi kini. Fakta yang mengatakan bahawa semua manusia secara mental terganggu pada tahap yang berbeza tidak boleh menjelaskan mengapa beberapa wanita memutuskan untuk membuang anak-anak mereka. Apakah yang menyebabkan mereka tergamak melakukan perkara sedemikian ? Adakah mereka sudah hilang akal ataupun sudah hilang rasa keperimanusiaan? Dimanakah sifat keibuan yang ada pada setiap wanita yang telah dikurniakan sejak lahiriah lagi dan sifat keibuan yang sepatutnya tidak akan dapat dipisahkan dari jiwa setiap wanita? Mungkin bukan pada wanita zaman kini pada kami. Hamba Allah yang membuat perlakuan keji ini tidak patut langsung digelar wanita, perempuan mahupun manusia. Mereka ini hanyalah binatang bertopengkan jantina yang lebih patut dipanggil betina! Ada sesiapa yang ingin membantah? Ataupun ada diantara golongan yang didiskusikan oleh kami ini ingin tampil kehadapan kerana tidak berpuas hati dengan penyataan kami? Hanya satu penyataan yang kami amat pasti semua akan setuju. Sedangkan babi dan anjing pun menjaga anak mereka. Tiada pula kes binatang-binatang ini membuang anak mereka. Tetapi, bukankah dikatakan binatang dilahirkan tanpa akal. Fikirkan sejenak, siapakah yang dilahirkan tidak berakal sebenarnya wahai pembaca sekalian.

Jikalau ingin membincangkan tentang impak dari gejala bodoh ini, memang tidak akan habis. Antaranya implikasinya adalah trauma. Mungkin bunyinya tidak begitu serius. Realitinya, apabila mereka melalui kehamilan yang tidak diundang dan seterusnya membuang bayi yang tidak berdosa setelah mereka dilahirkan biasanya akan menghantui mereka seumur hidup mereka yang sekiranya masih ada lagi sisa-sisa keperimanusian. Ini oleh kerana mereka berasa bersalah atas diri sendiri. Sehubungan dengan itu, mereka akan sentiasa berasa dibawah tekanan . Jadi mungkin itu dapat memberikan kesan bagi kesihatan mereka, sama ada dari segi mental mahupun fizikal. Pembuangan bayi boleh memberikan impak kepada keluarga juga kerana keluarga akan malu pada tindakan anak-anak mereka. Hal ini kerana jiran tetangga yang ada disekeliling sudah pasti memandang serong terhadap keluarga tersebut dan melabel satu keluarga dengan benda-benda negatif . Bak kata pepatah, 'kerana nila setitik, rosak susu sebelanga'. Akhirnya, orang tua mereka pula akan berasa bersalah kerana berasa gagal membesarkan anak mereka dengan betul. Pada pendapat kami, selagi ibu bapa yang tidak pernah mengabaikan tanggungjawab mereka namun diuji dengan ujian sebegini rupa, mereka tidak seharusnya berasa bersalah ataupun mancari dimana kesilapan semasa membesarkan anak mereka itu. Fikir secara logik, jika mereka pandai berpengan tangan, berpeluk, bercium, berbogel, mengangkang untuk berzina dan ada otak dengan membuat keputusan untuk memuaskan nafsu mereka biarpun di dalam semak mahupun tandas-tandas awam. Takkan mereka tidak ada otak untuk memifikirkan kesan yang mendatang jikalau pun dosa telah mereka buang didalam kamus hidup mereka.

Kepada Mak Cik Peah, Cik Kiah dan sesiapa jua yang suka bercerita tentang keaiban orang, kami nasihatkan, beringatlah, kamu semua pun ada anak juga. Kita takkan tahu apa ujian yang telah tuhan sediakan untuk kita pada masa mendatang. Jangan sesedap mulut menyalahkan itu atau ini. Jikalau rasa diri itu bertanggungjawab sebagai masyarakat yang kononya bersandarkan gelaran khalifah di muka bumi tuhan ini, mencaci, mengherdik dan menghina bukan cara sebetulnya. Manakala bagi binatang-binatang yang berjantinakan betina, tuhan bagi otak, akal dan ibu bapa untuk mendidik kita. Maka gunakan otak, akal dan fikiran sebelum membuat apa-apa. Jangan bagi alasan kerana perempuan dilahirkan dengan 9 nafsu. Fikirlah apa akan jadi pada diri kamu di dunia dan akhirat nanti, fikirlah apa pula yang akan ibu bapa dan keluarga kamu akan lalui dan akhir sekali fikirlah sekiranya anda sendiri adalah bayi yang dibuang itu. Apa rasanya jika anda dibungkus, dibuang dalam lubang jamban, didalam plastik, didalm tong sampah, disorokkan di bawah katil, di laci dan macam-macam lagi tanpa kasih sayang, belaian dan susu yang dirasai oleh bayi lain. Tolonghlah fikir, merekakah yang merayu kepada anda supaya melahirkan mereka? Adakah bayi-bayi ini mencium kaki anda dan meminta supaya anda berzina supaya wujudnya mereka?

Wahai perempuan-perempuan yang kami kasihi, mungkin artikel ini agak kasar ataupun biadap pada kamu. Tapi, tidak biadapkah perbuatan kamu itu? Sedangkan binatang pun tidak memperlakukan perbuatan sekasar itu. Usahlah makan dengan pujukan, rayuan dan janji-janji manis jantan-jantan keparat zaman sekarang. Lelaki yang menyayangi kamu, tidak akan menggunakan kamu. Cuma akan memelihara dan menjaga kehormatan kamu. Janganlah artikel ini disalah tafsir pula, bukan berkhutbah. Pada sama yang sama, kami pun ingin membetuli diri dan mengingatkan diri kami jua.

3 langkah yang amat mudah. Tiada zina, tiada kandungan luar nikah, tiada pengguguran maka tiadalah langkah "dumb" yang akan dilakukan dengan "dump" bayi yang tidak ada dosa mahupun salah mereka. Mengamalkan pengetahuan seks merupakan salah satu cara mengurangkan masalah ini, namun bukanlah untuk umat Islam. Walaubagaimanapun, jika anda ingin bergelumang dengan dosa dengan mengaktifkan diri dalam arena zina, war-warkanlah diri anda untuk mengetahui kegunaan kondom dan pil perancang kehamilan. Sekian dari kami.

It is trendy in the speaking of sex... =)

In my piece of mind, whatever you want to maintain and retain, you have to start from now. Things that I would write today is not something boring because I am pretty sure that after all of you read this, you are going to find it or even get it extras in your groceries list. As the things you eat will give you tremendous benefit SEXUALLY!!!(yay!) Please don't get me wrong guys. I am not trying to be a pervert or anything, But I am extra particular, knowledgeable and always keep it updated when it comes in the matter of sex. As we all know, it is one of the human being's needs in the Maslow's Hierarchy.
Shall I start.....
Celery can be easily found in the supermarket but seldom in the grocery shop nearby your house. It is not only good for high blood pressure considered as an excellent food to ramp up sexual stimulation. The reason being that it boosts a powerful substance known as androsterone – an odorless hormone released through male perspiration. Well, this is one of those kind of sweats that has that strange effect on women. So guys, make a juice out of it.
I have not seen this kind of vegetable even in cold storage. This bulb thing was recently been introduced to the western forgiven, so there is a reason why will it be hard for you to find it in Malaysia. It has been called as the nature's viagra. According to some it is believed to improve sexual performance, the frequency with which people desire sex and can be effective in increasing sperm count. Not only that, but guys should expect an increase in testosterone, a helping hand in any fight against erective dysfunctions and impotency and it also makes you feel younger. And for ladies, maca is reknowned for increasing sex-drive and fertility!
Pumpkin seed or in Malay we call it (kuaci), it has been a food for nibbling. What most of us do not know is, pumpkin seeds contain zinc, which is important in testosterone production for men and also helps to sustain sexual desire in women. Pumpkin seeds are also rich in the essential fatty acid omega 3, which acts as a leader of prostaglandins, hormone-like substances that play a key role in sexual health. Word on the street is that a diet rich in pumpkin seeds will enhance potency, drive and fertility.

Nowadays, people use sauerkraut in their cooking. Instead of being an immune booster, cancer fighter, digestive aid and flu fighter, sauerkraut is a vital key in unlocking your libido or sex desire according to the headteacher-like Scottish diet guru Gillian McKeith has deemed sauerkraut sexy, citing a U.S. study that reported 90 percent of men were more “active” after eating it.
Bananas is one of our local fruits that we have in Malaysia. It is good for your heart and nerves, kidneys and bones, mood enhancers or mild sedatives, blood, kids and a good source of dietary fiber. But the best part when we are talking about sex, it helps to boost male libido largely due to the presence of the enzyme ‘bromelain’. They are also very rich in potassium and B vitamins, which are vital for sex-hormone production.

To those who loves to eat nuts, you are lucky, but for those who are like me, lets start to eat almond! In the Quran, besides honey and other things that is good for the brain, almond is also in the list. Almonds are another major source of essential fatty acids. Almonds provide the basis for the healthy production of male hormones that are important in regulating sex-drive (among other things obviously!). The smell of almonds is found to arouse passion in female.

This fruit is helps to increase both male and female libido. As it contains very high levels of folic acid, it assists in metabolising proteins, thus providing you more energy which is obviously good all round. Avocado also features vitamin B6 (a nutrient which improves male hormone production) and potassium (which helps to regulate a woman’s thyroid gland). Besides, it gives you benefit for your hair and skin. Quality!

As far as I am concern, asparagus is one of the aphrodisiacs. Aphrodisiacs is the agents that could stimulate sex desire. It happens to be very high in vitamin E, which has long been thought of as ‘the sex vitamin’. The Vegetarian Society suggests “eating asparagus for three days for the most powerful affect”.

Oysters also an aphrodisiacs.
I love spicy food or it won't taste delicious for me so it explains me, haha. Chilies can heat up your sex life too. The substance that gives kick to peppers, curries and other spicy foods. triggering the release of endorphins, capsaicin is therefore a feelgood chemical for your brain! It also stimulates nerve endings and raises your heart rate. IMPORTANT: if you chop the chilies yourself – make sure you wash your hands very very thoroughly!

Basil is usually in the western and Italian cooking. Far instant, fish grilled and spaghetti bolognese but not too much as it the taste is very strong and would change the taste. But in our country, basil or "daun selasih" is eaten as vegetable. Apparently basil increases circulation, stimulates the sex drive and boosts fertility! It is also said to produce a general sense of well being for body and mind. But most curiously of all, its scent is supposed to drive us wild! In fact, basil oil was once employed by Mediterranean prostitutes as a perfume to attract customers. Personally, the scent of basil makes me want to drive to the nearest Italian restaurant, but that’s just me.

Cardamom is one in the Indian spices and it is very aromatic. In many cultures it is viewed as an intensely powerful aphrodisiac and also beneficial in treating impotence (mix with maca for some ‘interesting results’). It is high in cineole, which can increase blood flow in certain important areas.

Rather crudely, some sources suggest that figs work as an aphrodisiac because of their appearance being similar to certain sex organs, but not for me (haha). Figs are very high in amino acids, which are critical to increasing you libido and boosting sexual stamina.

Lots of people hate garlic because of the smells. It may be bad for your breath but it is good for the sex drive. Maybe this is one for long-term couples who don’t have as much worry over little matters such as garlic-breath (as long as you both munch it, you’ll be OK). Garlic contains high levels of allicin, an compound that can improve blood flow to the sexual organs. But note, don’t just munch on big cloves of raw garlic. Allicin is only produced once garlic has been chopped as it is produced through an enzyme reaction. As a bonus, allicin is also has great anti-fungal properties (not that I am suggesting anything of course…)

Wanna Flawless Skin?

You have pimples? Rashes? Sensitives skin? Dry skin? Eczema? Psoriasis? Rosacea? Seborrheicdermatitis? Or do you want your cleanser that will not only help you with all those problems but also be great for you daily makeup removal. Cetaphil is the answer and I am speaking through my experienced. I have been using Cetaphil since I was 14 years old. Of course, at that time I had the same problem as other teenagers have, pimples. Thank god my eczema comes occasionally and that makes I am a person with a sensitives skin. I knew how it feels like to go out and to be in public places with that such of problem. I would rather be at home then spending my time with my friends. In other words, I had a low self esteem because of my pimples and eczema. I made my decision and asked my mommy to bring me to the skin specialist. The doctor recommended me Cetaphil. Praise to God, it helped me to overcome the biggest issue that I used to deal with. As a matter of fact, I use it all over my body. I have recommended this product to many people and I got the same positive respond as I had. Recently, I recommended Cetaphil to one of our classmates, Bella (free hair girl). She told me that her sister saw the difference.

It is originally formulated from dermatologists, this cleanser is gentle on your skin and sensitive to your skin’s needs.
Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser will not strip the skin of natural protective oils or emollients, or disturb the skin’s natural pH balance. It is fragrance-free and non-comedogenic, making it an excellent choice for daily facial cleansing.. Recommended for years by dermatologists, this facial cleanser is ideal for people with special skin conditions like acne, rosacea, or eczema because of its gentleness. Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser is gentle enough for children, teens and adults.

To compare it with any other product, just a simple question for you. Have you found any other products that works like Cetaphil's does?. I do not think so. About the price, no worries. Approximately, RM 50.00. Depends which pharmacy do you get it from. Yes, I know, it is very reasonable. So, what are you waiting for......... If you need more testimonies, you can ask Bella yourself or go to this link

Ingredients: Water, Cetyl Alcohol, Propylene Glycol, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Stearyl Alcohol, Methylparaben, Propylparaben, Butylparaben.

About Me

On 23rd of March 1990, a baby girl was born in Hospital Besar Kuching, Sarawak. She is the youngest one among her other 10 siblings where they live in a very rural and unfitted life. Three days after that, an angel took her to be adopted due to her biological parents’ financial condition. And now she is writing about herself as it is the first assignment she got from Diva Noor Kumalasari look alike.

My name is Nur Zarifah Liyana Rosli. My friends address me as Effa and my mommy call me baby. And Rosli is not my biological father, that is the reason I do not have the ‘binti’ on my name. Rosli, my adopted father. I got nothing to say about him because my mommy and him have been divorced when I was still 4 months. Reason for their divorce? . As always, men and cheating is like they are born for it. Frankly speaking, I do not know him. I have not seen him until today. He abandoned my mommy and me without doing any of his responsibilities after the divorce. Even when he was still a husband to my mommy, he did not do his duties and responsibilities as a husband to my mommy. Those are what I heard from my families. But I do know something about him. He is the brother of our local actress, Rosnah Johari. Enough of that. Now, I want to write about my mommy. The lady that made me what I am now.

Her name is Suraya Binti Noor Mohammed. Noor Mohammed is my grandpa. I called him Tok Bah. He is a pure Pakistani and her wife that I called Mak, she is a mixture of Malay and Salons. I have never felt any regrets for her adopting me when I was a baby. I feel grateful to Allah for making my fate with her. She is a wonderful mum. It might be painful as her words sometimes are quite harsh. Nevertheless, I have learned a lot even though in a hard way. I do understand, it is not easy to be a single mum with a responsible that is to raise a child up alone. She is also a father for all these years. For me, it is the hardest task for an imperfect human being. But Alhamdulillah, I think she succeed in doing this task. Maybe not yet in the highest level but I still think she did a good job in raising me up. My mommy is actually the 4th child among her 11th siblings. Sadly, two of them passed away, making her the 3rd in the family. I look up on her so much. I do not have any idea whether does she know about this or not. My mommy used to travel to overseas a lot when she was working in a very big private company. Meaning, Mak was the one that took care of me most of the time.

It does not making me a spoil brat for being the only child of my mommy. She has never pampered me at all. She taught me to be independent in sense of getting something. The first time I worked when I was 12 years old. I worked as a part-timer on the weekends with my neighbor. They have a catering business. It taught me a lot from there, appreciate every single cent u have as it is not easy to earn money and also not to waste your parents’ money. You will only understand what I mean if you go through what I have experienced. Since when I was a little girl, I will save my money whenever I want something. Because I understand, I am not as lucky as others. My mommy is the only earner for herself and me. Keep on asking money from her, is not helping her at all. I felt sorry for my mommy. And again, I do not have any regret having her as my mom.

In this paragraph, I will be talking about my beloved grandma that will always in my mind. Mak, only god knows how much I love her. The moment she went away, my life seems meaningless. I still remember, Nina, my cousin and Uncle Papa that still living with me, knocked my door around 3 or 4 in the morning. Before they have said anything, the look on their face says everything to me. That time, my world was like turning upside down and I blacked out. Till today, I am still sad for her leaving me. Sometimes I ask myself, why did god took her away from me? I thought He knows that I cannot live without her. But then, when I think it in the bright side. He might be needed an angel at that time. God I miss her so much. I pray so that her soul is rest in peace and I know that she is in the most beautiful heaven as she should be because she is a beautiful person at heart. After she passed away in 2004, I could say that I failed all my subjects when I was in form 2. It really gave a big impact on my life. She is the most important person in my life. I could say she is in the same ranking with my mommy. She is a great cook. Even though I do not have a dad, I have Mak. She pampered me a lot. That was why my cousins who are older than me are jealous of me. Even my aunties give me more attention than they get. I do not know why. Of course I am not a person who loves to suck up people . I just don’t know how to be a pretender and say something that is not sincere.

I have always been boycott by them. Reason? It is because I am an adopted child in the family, that is all. I have been through so much in these 20 years. My first uncle once said to Mak, I am just another people’s grandchild, not her. Imagine how I felt when me, myself heard it. They are bias, God’s power. One of my aunties also adopts a child. Surprised, Johan did not get the same treatment and experience as I got. The reason why, my aunty is very rich and Johan has a perfect family as he has dad. It is okay. I will never ask anything bad for them. Alhamdulillah, my cousins that came after me, love me and respect me including Johan. Nina, Mira, Johan, Zafera, Zehan and Qistina, all of us are like siblings. We love each other so much and I do have respects for them too. I treat them as my own sisters and brother. And all of them are smart n good hearted. That is all I got to say about my family. Next are my hobbies.

I have few hobbies. One of it is taking pictures. I started to like photography when the moment my mommy bought me a black looking like a bulky little boxy gadget for me. First time I hold it, I held it like my first baby. With all my carefulness I treated it like a fragile thing. Its name is Canon 1000D. In my sense of view, journey is not like a destination. This is because, we will stop at our planned destination whereas journey keeps us going and moving on non stop. I would use my own theory of journey in my subject of photography due to learning photography or other things, we should not put a limit on it. Through photography I will able to direct myself towards an expression and exposition of my mind. Photography, in a simple context, is my visual diary encompassing an ever growing body of thought and expression. Not only that, photography is like a small voice at best, but sometimes, one photograph or a group of them can lure our senses into awareness. Much depends upon the viewer in some, photographs can summon, enough emotion to be a catalyst to thought.

But, to be “the one” in this field, I do realize that I have to see something that nobody else sees it. Photography has always been associated with some notion of cutting out and keeping the past in order that it is not forgotten, although not necessarily in order to commend or legitimate the events therein. Photography is also known as one of the mediator in the media’s world. That is why, we, the Mass Communication’s students have to learn this subject as communication could be done through pictures. As the saying goes, “a picture worth a thousand words”.

Shutter speed, ISO, aperture, white balance and all of the elements that are there in a DSLR has its own priority, importance and usage. But the uniqueness is, each of it works together, cooperatively and tolerantly. As sometimes one of them has to be priorities first than others. If only the human beings could work together as these heartless buttons, it is not impossible our life can be as beautiful just like a beautiful photo been captured. It relies on the society how the way they want to live their life. What I love in photography is, if you put a little bit more of observation, it is really related to us, our life and surrounding.

Besides of capturing any moment in time, either for assignments when I was in Malacca or fun, at the same time I am learning about not taking others for granted. As I have discovered from the small living organisms in my surrounding. Teaches me a lot I guess. God’s willing, if I been given more convenience financially, I do want to upgrade my DSLR so that I could start to reveal the life of the micros living organisms that I am fanatic of. And I do have a thought, once, to pursue photography seriously. Keeping it as hobby, that will do. Because I am not creative enough to see things like an expert photographers suppose to see it.

Then, I love to cook and bake. Watching Mak and Mommy cook and bake in the kitchen that was what did when I was small. Thanks to them, now I know how to cook certain dishes. Being a woman, you must know how to cook, that was Mak advised to me. I like to cook Italians’ food because it is my favorite. I also love to make desserts. Every week I will find a new recipe. Mommy will always keep the free recipes’ book that she got from the supermarket. It’s kind of cute sometimes.

Dancing is the best thing to do. Not only as one of the ways to exercise, but it is also interesting and entertaining. When a boring day comes, I will play my favorite song that I can dance loudly, and I can go crazy alone (chuckling). I want to come clean, I do go to clubs. I just love to dance. That’s all. No other reason such as a place to flirt or doing bad things. I know my limit and I know what I should not do as a Muslim. That matter the most. Mak told me, I started to dance when I was about 1 plus. I will be dancing whatever kind of music as long as I can move. Kind of shocking when I knew it.

Finally, singing. I practice my vocal, of course in the bathroom. The most comfortable place for everyone to sing. Most of my family told me I have a good voice but I disagree with it. As I reckon that they are just being polite to me (hahaha). So far, I have not across in my mind to try my luck by entering any competitions because I do not want to look as silly as the people in “American Idol” and making fools of themselves. Study is what am I suppose to do now and only by doing this I could repay Mak and Mommy’s good doing towards me since the day I was born. I hope, there will be no judgments after reading these. Lastly, I want to thank to Allah for giving what I have been given. I pray so that I will be a successful person living for today’s life and after. Amin.

Last but not least, I may look rough on the outside. Actually, I am super duper ultra sensitive and soft at heart (hihihi) or I could say I am all about “TLC” (chuckled). I will help you what I can. And I am a kind of person that will protect and love my friends so much. It is hard for me to like and love anyone. Yet, when I start to like and love that person, it is going to be harder for me to hate them. To make it short, try to know me before saying or judging me. Most important thing, I detest people who talks behind my back. Take my advice, if you have any problem with me, just talk to me. Talking behind my back will just make it worst as it pieces anyone up. Mind your own business and just don’t mess with me. Fin and chow. =)